

初投稿、初ボカロ作品です。こちらの曲はA.I.に作詞をしてもらい、それに合う音楽をつけてます。A. I.さんの韻の踏み方が良い感じです。2作品目は7月末頃投稿予定ボーカロイド作品マイリスはこちら: https://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/73307549 歌詞:Dance the dust with the sun's returnSat at her shadow at her knee,She was in thine an equal turn,Laughed in the passage with their glee.She bent behind a song to pass;The Poet, with the faithful night.Alone the dew is on the grass,Every blossom has its right.She had a daily drunken beeSat he in the smoke with splendor,Of clover bells and certaintyTossed these arms.She had as well a purple train.Black secrets stir with combs at morn,Laid by a gain, forgot by pain;Sit with the seal, here torrid thorn!She felt no show for her was not.Pale as a new fashioned flower,Oh, the sweet swamp in her hour!Alone the dew is on the grass,Every blossom has its right.She had a daily drunken beeSat he in the smoke with splendor,Of clover bells and certaintyTossed these arms.She had as well a purple train.
