進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 第60話 Another wall... I'm sick and tired of all these walls画像は字幕版,音声は吹替版です.吹替版第60話の冒頭より↓> To our fans and community--> We present this episode to you, having primarily recorded each actor from the safety of their own homes.> Our hearts are with all of you, our staff, and our extended cast and crew during these difficult times.> -The Funimation Attack on Titan Crewライナー:Robert McCollum進撃の巨人 英語吹替版 mylist/58875678 アニメ 英語吹替版 1 mylist/59702387 2 mylist/64553448 3 mylist/69722764 進撃の巨人 独語吹替版 mylist/61178996 うpした動画 1 mylist/45235464 2 mylist/56214846 3 mylist/60873351 4 mylist/65521382