かんじよめないのでコメントはひらがな・カタカナでおねがいします! ^_^ My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLjorXPSawWx42v98gBDdg/videos? ~*~ Credits ~*~Songs and original artists:lull ~そして僕らは~ by RayAqua terrarium (アクアテラリウム) by Yanagi Nagi (やなぎなぎ)ebb and flow by RayMitsuba no Musubime (三つ葉の結びめ) by Yanagi NagiAnime: Nagi no asukara (凪のあすから)Instrumental by the amazingly talented Animenz Piano Sheets: https://youtu.be/1zKejX-up-kVocals: ErikaTImage: Pixiv DomotoLain ( https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46843033 )Please credit respective owners of the song, music, art, as well as me for my cover if reposting :)