

僕らはClassicalWicketという名義で小林とアントンという二人組で音楽と映像を使ったユニットでライブは映像と楽器を使ってパフォーマンスします。もしこの作品を見た人の中で僕らにパフォーマンスをさせてくれるという人がいるなら是非イベントなどに誘ってくれると嬉しいです。We are glad if you cause interest for this work☆This work is Sound Installation made by ClassicalWicket.We are music units of a duo such as TakakiyoKobayashi and AntonTarjin.Most parts of this work were made by Kobayashi.We use a picture and the sound in Gig and do a performance♪If there is a person organizing an event among the people who watched this work, please offer a place to play to us.We wana place where there is a performance(>_<)Thanks read!! Anton(ClassicalWicket)