タグ MMD海外組 が登録されている動画 : 2169 件中 2145 - 2169 件目
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Academic success project
Academic success project!i got 93 out of 100 points! Mouse360 アメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/mouse360 mylist/14196557
Tsukasa - Ganbalance de Dance
I got bored again. Yay~ Hiiragi twin videos 8D (now i need to make one with both) xYukipyon アメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/xYukipyon mylist/14196557
Sakine Meiko models Relations MMD
Please don't ask me where i got these models x_x I like this vid but not my it's best thought :3 SkittlesAreFriends カナダ http://www.youtube.com/user/SkittlesAreFriends mylist/14196557
Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru
【Feikuloid : Kirakira, Midoriko, Erika】Ver. 3 of each of them... + an ad for "Yui-san is Baka" Yui-san is Baka = a little series where a maid named Yui and her master Yuki live life. Yui is a sassy idiot and Yuki is a smart yet sometimes immature 25-year-old rich man. Oh there is a pole, Ami, Tarumi, and a Bush too... xYukipyonアメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/xYukipyon mylist/14196557
Starla is a Dream Fighter
This is a tryout for the camera, and this is Starla in Vocaliod form dancing to Dream Fighter! NoratheAngelSeedrian アメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/NoratheAngelSeedrian mylist/14196557
MikuMikuDance Flying Show
First it shows the flying in original speed then half slower And remember to vote for your favourite flying!I know its short, its cuz this vid's just for testing. XxXFl0oD3RXxX フィリピン共和国 http://www.youtube.com/user/XxXFl0oD3RXxX mylist/14196557
【All Japanese Vocaloids】 beMYSELF
made this video out of boredom.and also because I've finally goten all the japanese vocaloids!!But just incase you didn't know them, here's the people who are singing this song.Hatsune MikuKagamine Rin ACT2 Kagamine Len ACT2 Megurine Luka Kamui Gakupo Megpoid Gumi KAITO MEIKO matt9five アメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/matt9five mylist/14196557
Get Down PoPiPo [MMD] Model link
got the PMD Editor and was playing around with it, So I found some motion data and put a few models to it and walla,DogSnake and his Ho's.ZodiacDream101 アメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/ZodiacDream101 mylist/14196557
MMD, FL Studio, Vocaloid. CombatPlayer - Lonelyness
MMD, FL Studio, Vocaloid. CombatPlayer - LonelynessFruity Loops 8.MMD (some vertion)Windows Moviemaker.Vocaloid 2.hmm not much to say abaut it really..except the end is a stack of pictures mainly cus im lazy and not very good at using MMD xDi made all the images, i made the music and i made the video clips. so no copyright volations here...the title says vocaloid.. but the singer isent a Vocaloid really.. its the standart voice synth of Fruity Loops.. im getting good at using that thing :Pi used a MMD model similare to how my maku fake vocaloid looks like cus its same voice heh..i started this cus i was bored.. dident take siper long to make so the quality isent in top ither...well enjoy ppl.... combatplayer デンマーク王国 http://www.youtube.com/user/combatplayer mylist/14196557
(MMD) Idol Master-Go My Way!
My 20 subbie special!. Made in MMD. If you want any thing in this video PM me! Special thx to:Akeeelah: My 1st subbie XxMapleBoy2496xX: My 10th Subbie. RasberryxHearted: My 20th Subbie. FullMikku: For teaching me how to use MMD. kirikitty22 カナダ http://www.youtube.com/user/kirikitty22 mylist/14196557
Zatsune Hare Hare Yukai
Yay! Its finally done! It took me a while to do all the camera angels. I was trying to get as close as I could to the original dance. Unfortunately I couldn't find any separate motion data for Yuki or Asahina (Athough I did all the motion data in the last two seconds all by myself![Except for Zatsune's^^;]) so I hope this is okay...BloodyVocaloid アメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/BloodyVocaloid mylist/14196557
MMD - PoPiPo
mixed together this video - after when I found the Motion Data at VPVP Wiki.I will gladly put it up soon! ^^ emmychansuper スウェーデン王国 http://www.youtube.com/user/emmychansuper mylist/14196557
[MMD] love and joy
enjoy!!! AzureRolly フィリピン共和国 http://www.youtube.com/user/AzureRolly mylist/14196557
Favorite MMD Models
Saiko Saiko San - Polysics Tarako - Kigurumi CarrieDenyes カナダ http://www.youtube.com/user/CarrieDenyes mylist/14196557
Nora dancing Greed's Accident
YOU TUBEより転載 download song and dance to MikuMikuDance, and I wanted to try it out really bad! So I used Nora Hanane, and she dances to the song, it took forever to upload! I still don't have a better background though.... mylist/14196557 NoratheAngelSeedrian アメリカ合衆国 http://www.youtube.com/user/NoratheAngelSeedrian
【MikuMikuDance】 太極拳のKAITO?!
動画を作った人は僕じゃない。友達のABIE FARCHYさんが作った。僕が彼を見せたmmdを実験して理念を考えました。この動画をご楽しんでください。^^
Akita Neru does the CaramellDansen for Miku's LoveMix.Well uhh... I think that's all to say °-°"I do not own MikuMikuDance, Hatsune Miku, Akita Neru or anyone or anything (except the motion data and the bg) from this video.This is my first time uploading video to NicoNico so sorry if something is uploaded wrong...TAGS: 亞北ネル ウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) MikuMikuDance MMD NeruNeruDance 初音ミク
【動かないMMD】 初音ミクに囍帖街を歌ってもらった
香港からのうp主です。ミクさんに広東語を歌わせました。MMDで動画を作るつもりだったが、わからない原因でAVIファイル出力できなかった。。。(涙)ですから、この馬鹿な方法で「動画」を作るしかなかった。(画面の下を見ないで><)拙作をご覧になってしまってし失礼します。 曲名は囍帖街と言われます。歌手は香港の歌手の謝安琪です。 囍帖街とは、香港にあった古い通りです。再開発のせいで、もう消えてしまった。囍帖街という曲はこの古い通りの話です。 SHE【Super Star】(北京語)→sm5836355 周杰倫【楓】(北京語)→sm3867400 周杰倫【彩虹】(北京語)→sm3800213 Twins【女校男生】(広東語)→sm3424973 よろしくお願いします。
おもしろいな創作革命学園(ACG創作教學siteである)を設立する二人獣王と千樺結婚おめでとう!Wish you have a nice marriage ^^感謝創作革命學園的兩位學生會長:獸王跟千樺創辦了這麼有意思的交流園地,祝兩位新人永浴愛河,婚姻美滿,千壽快樂,萬年好合!圖片素材來源(source):底圖、創作革命的logo、獸王圖(獸王自己做的吧?)、千樺圖(千樺自己畫的吧)都來自於創作革命學園site:http://revo.idv.tw/create/ 創作革命萬歲! Vive La REVOlutionmylist/11077336
画面イメージのみ:you tube より公認転載。kiraさん ありがとう。
(PMDモデルの倍率変更のみ)⇒ http://www.(仕様変更のため削除)
If I were a Japanese ,composing this song type may be a piece of cake? Actually Speaking I am from Taiwan not a Japanese . I can only learn 純邦樂 from limited data on internet, so this time I keep the "README" not written by Japanese. This song is 性能強化版 of my earlier song http://piapro.jp/content/uc1zxfft2utjx2rv now is still in 強化工事中. And sorry for lagging of ミクの台湾語講座(三)There is still no 三味線 model of MIkuMIkuDance. So sorry for no real playing. I can't make 3D models. Also I am also sorry for rips syncing. It seems a little sync no well. Please enjoy listening not watching XD. Any suggest about this music is welcome. :) 自身作品集:mylist/11562837 寶音宮作品集:mylist/11077336
【MMD】 What is Vocaloid?
このパロディーはループの3Dアニメーションです。ごめんなさい、日本語も勉強します。 ちょっと日本語をわかります。 でも、 英語を話します。A looping animation of Miku, Haku, and Neru bobbing their heads to Haddaway in the car.Made as a birthday gift for my friend, Osayidan.Car, models, background, and music are not made by me.Animation was made by me in MikuMikuDance.Tags: vocaloid miku hatsune neru akita haku yowane dance animation car head bob headbob what is love baby don't hurt me snl saturday night live at roxbury gif 3d model program mikumiku mikumikudance mmd haddaway parody funny weird random初音ミク 亞北ネル 弱音ハク
正在做另一首歌的PV,先試做了戰鬥舞的基本步伐。使用歌曲是以前上傳過的Ubuntu好人歌(sm4471549)的商業進化版。For Japanese friends, my Japanese isn't good enough,so I give the special English translation as middle bridge. Help you to understand:Now I am making another song's PV. First I try to make the basic dance motion for Taiwanese "戦闘舞" (famous in Taiwan). The used song is what I have uploaded "Ubuntu好人歌"(sm4471549)'s comercial upgrading version. ps. 1.What's "戦闘舞"? Can check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM2830G5J_M&feature=relatedand this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC6vjmAas6k2. On internet, there is a 4-songs-mixing trailer on http://boingyon.blogspot.com/2008/11/blog-post_3186.html . The third song is the new version of "Ubuntu好人歌".The full version will be released near 2/14 Vocalholic 同人誌展售會 in Taipei.